
Monday, November 18, 2013

Good Start, Epic Fail, New Beginning

     Well hello strangers!  Here is an update for you!

     At the beginning of the school year I started each morning by doing Zumba. I absolutely loved it.  I did really well for the first month and lost about an inch around my waist.  It was strange how quickly I could tell a difference, and even my wonderful hubby said he could tell the difference.
     Then, as usually happens, the school year got stressful an I got tired.  Both of which resulted in me not wanting to get up in the morning.  So I quit getting up in the morning, but did Zumba in the afternoon a few days a week.
     Then the EPIC FAIL!  As school continued I got sick and quit doing Zumba all together.  Of course then I didn't feel as good because I wasn't exercising and thus the swirling vortex of not exercising because I don't feel good and not feeling good because I don't exercise.
     This has gone on for a month and a half now.  To say I gained that inch back is an understatement.  I gained it back, plus some.  And now I'm trying to start all over.  For those who seem to think I am a twig and don't need to worry about any of this, I'm not at all worried about my weight.  What bothers me is that I can't run or do anything physical for more than a couple of minutes before I am completely exhausted.
     Not only am I keeping track of my progress on here, but I am keeping track of my measurements and by taking pictures.  We'll see how it all turns out, hopefully I can tell a difference.

So here are the before pictures and measurements.  The photos of my black pants turning me into the Michelin Man were a real eye opener for me.

     As far as the family things have been going okay.  Nonny has been doing very well in school.  He is so smart and I love to listen to him read.  His medication is working well  but we still have our moments.  He seems to be a bit more emotional lately.  I'm not sure why.  We have more meltdowns and arguing lately but those seem to be focused during the times when his medication hasn't kicked in yet or has worn off.  So far no one thinks there is anything we need to worry about with him at school.  Academically he is doing great and socially he is doing well.

The Veteran's Assembly at his school!

     And my little Peanut is growing up way too fast.  She is doing ballet class and loves to dance.  She seems to be progressing with 4 year old preschool.  Guess it just took someone other than mom trying to get her to learn her A-B-C's.  She is very social and definitely a drama queen.  She wants to act so grown up during the day that it's hard to remember that she's only 4, especially at bedtime.  At bedtime she has been needing a lot more attention, wanting to snuggle, be sung to, and in general needing to be treated like the LITTLE girl that she is.

     The hubby and I celebrated our ten year anniversary recently.  It is hard to believe that we have been together for ten years.  We started dating when I was a sophomore in college.  When I think back to those first few years I wonder sometimes how we made it through.  We have had some rough patches but we have always been committed to each other and making our relationship work.  Plus the fact that we genuinely have fun together.  He definitely makes me feel like a teenager.   And with the kiddos, house, dog, and life in general I don't know what I would do without him.

Us at the VERY beginning!

     My favorite song lately is Strong Enough by Matthew West.  The words have resonated with so much of my life right now.  From the daily challenge to get everything done and the bigger challenges to complete the big picture, I know that I can trust in God to help me through it all!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Birthday Boy (The Long Forgotten Post)

      Well my "little" boy is now 6!!  I can't believe how quickly the last six years have gone.  He had a pretty awesome birthday.  This year Nonny's birthday fell on a day when both my husband and I were off work.  We had a pretty awesome day.  He got to have cinnamon rolls for breakfast, he got to ride his new bike, eat pizza for lunch, go to the movies to see Turbo, and have chocolate donuts for his birthday "cake".  It was a really good day!

     The weekend following his birthday we had his birthday party.  He chose to have a Star Wars themed party.  It turned out pretty awesome.  He also got some awesome new clothes and toys.

     The last few weeks of summer vacation flew by and before we knew it school was starting.  It is hard to believe that my little man is a first grader.  So far things have been going well.  He has always loved school and is excited for the new things he will learn this year.

     My little Peanut also started 4 year old preschool.  It is hard to believe that she is old enough for that already.  She has spent a lot of time talking about being in kindergarten next year and I'm not ready for that.  The time goes by way too fast!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Vacation and Check-up

     For vacation we spent a week at the beautiful Cape San Blas, Florida.  We love it there and love the time spent at the beach and in the pool with family.  In my last post I shared some of the stuff I made to entertain the kiddos in the car.  I also made some trail mix for each of us.  I did three seperate trail mixes because we all have different things that we like.

     So here is the picture barrage of our week at the beach!

     When we got back Nonny had his check-up with the doctor.  I told her that things had been a little stressful lately.  He had been much more active, eating more, and much more agitated than he had been previously on his medication.  He also was getting to the point were he was flat out refusing to take his medication.  She thought that maybe the medicine wasn't working anymore and we could raise the dosage but that wouldn't help with the problem of him taking the medicine.  Right now we are trying a patch for the ADHD.  It seems to be working well and I don't have to chase him around the house or pry his mouth open to get him to be on his meds.  So far we are liking it.  At the appointment we also talked about that he was taking melatonin to help with his sleep.  It has helped some but we decided that it was time to try a prescription sleep aid.  THis has been enormously helpful as well.  The first night he was on it scared me because he slept for a full 12 hours.  I can't remember the last time that happened.  Thankfully that hasn't been the experience since then.  I am thankful that he is usually asleep by 8:30, which is preferable to the 9:30 - 10:30 time frame he used to fall asleep in.
     I had been struggling to deal with my little aspie for the month around vacation..  I know some of it was that we had been together 24/7 all summer.  I love him to pieces and it hurts me greatly when he spews his hateful words at me.  My patience level had been worn down to a minimum but talking to the doctor at his check-up helped me put things into perspective again.  I am trying hard to remember that this process is not easy for him either.  That as much as I am struggling to deal with everything that is going on, it is 100 times worse for him.  I am nervous for school to start.  I am excited that he will be back at the same school with most of the same kids.  But the adjustment to a new teacher and classroom worries me.  Plus the fact that he has been much more hands on this summer I know he is going to struggle with not lashing out at his classmates at school.  So I am saying prayer after prayer for my little man, and would welcome any hints, tips, suggested readings, etc. to help us through this.  I know that as he grows older he will continue to struggle but I refuse to let him use his diagnosis as a crutch or an excuse for how he behaves.  I know he is meant for great things and cannot wait to see how God molds him and uses him.